Year 3

Home Learning Pack

Mrs Cumming / Mrs Melrose

Online Lessons

The BBC have created some fantastic lessons full of videos, quizzes and practice activities to help you keep on track when learning at home. Pick your year and subject to get started!


The most important thing you can do with your child at home is read. Read as many books with your child as you can. Read to them, let them read to you and talk about the books you have read.

Access the websites below to see how many books you can read. Keep a list of all the books you have read. Also, don’t forget to enjoy listening to some stories online.


Encourage your child to record a piece of writing using their cursive handwriting. Some examples could include:

  • Writing a setting description
  • Writing about what they have read
  • Writing their own story
  • Keeping a diary
  • Writing a letter to their teacher
  • Writing a non-chronological report about a topic of interest


Daily Times Tables Challenge

Encourage your child to practise their times tables in a competitive way by logging onto Times Tables Rockstars. Please contact school for your child's log in details.  

Interactive Maths Games


It is important to keep active! There are a wide range of videos on YouTube that children can do indoors such as:

  • Joe Wicks
  • Go noodle
  • Cosmic Kids Yoga
  • Zumba Kids
  • Just Dance

Other Activities

  • Teach your child new skills such as how to tie their shoelaces
  • Get them to help you with your housework such as washing up, cleaning, and cooking
  • Bake with your child
  • Build a reading den
  • Play board games